ΘX University Summary
ΘX University at the Ohio State was the first time that the Delta Omega Chapter of ΘX attended the new program instituted by the Grand Chapter. Instead of the Mid Year Leadership Conference, the focus of this convention was to find different ways to improve the chapter and how to implement the new Resolute Man program within the chapter.
This new program is something that the national fraternity would like every member of the fraternity to be a part of in order to show how well rounded and accomplished the members of Theta Chi are. The program consists of many different tasks that exemplify the core concepts of the fraternity and through completing all of the necessary tasks, the member would receive the title of resolute man which is a distinguished honor to have within the fraternity.
The Resolute Man program was not the only focus of the conference as we learned a lot about how to run a good chapter of Theta Chi and how to give our members more opportunities to succeed and grow. One of the highlights of the conference was the keynote speaker Al Saunders. Brother Saunders gave a wonderful speech about what it means to be a great leader and what it means to be a leader within Theta Chi.